With university funding recently making headlines across Australia, I thought it was important to highlight the value of Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (HEPPP) funding. As a result I was keen to represent the interests of the country kids we support via a letter to Simon Birmingham, Minister for Education and Training.
This letter outlines the importance HEPPP funding has played in closing the participation gap that exists between country and city students, how universities across Australia have benefited from better inclusion and equity programs, and how CEF has been able to spread its reach and impact to more and more communities.
On behalf of CEF I will continue to work hard to secure great outcomes for young rural and regional Australians and their participation at universities. Have a read of the letter (link below), and please feel free to share it through your networks.
Increasing opportunities for education among rural and regional youth is vital. Postcodes should be no barrier when it comes to education and training for all.
LETTER TO MINISTER FOR EDUCATION: Preserving-HEPPP-funding-for-rural-and-regional-students