Imagine going into your final school exams knowing you have already secured a place at university. What a welcome sense of comfort during such a stressful time.
At CEF, we understand an ATAR doesn’t always reflect someone’s ability to succeed at university. We believe community involvement and activities outside of school tell us just as much about a person as their exam results.
Luckily, most unis know this too!
Receiving an early entry offer generally doesn’t depend on ATAR (some are ‘conditional offers’, meaning you are guaranteed a place providing you meet a minimum ATAR). Universities rely on school or TAFE’s assessment of your personal attributes, your ability to work and learn independently, as well as your overall potential for academic success.
Most unis offer early entry and it’s best to hunt out personal options on their websites. Some offer direct applications and for others you can apply via the UAC/VTAC/SATAC/QTAC/TISC websites using the Schools Recommendation Scheme (SRS).
Don’t forget to keep your options open by applying to a number of different institutions – you could end up with multiple offers!
Be quick as most applications close before the end of September!
UAC’s Education Access Scheme (EAS) and Schools Recommendation Scheme (SRS) can bolster a Year 12 students early admission application for an undergraduate degree.
The deadline for your SRS application is midnight 20 September 2020!
EAS categories and financial hardship guidelines have been impacted by COVID-19 interruptions. Check out the latest from the UAC.
A great early offer initiative CEF supports is The Sydney University’s E12 Scheme. The E12 offers early entry especially for students from rural and regional areas (as determined by the Educational Access Scheme (EAS)) and those experiencing financial hardship. There are over 90 courses to pick from to receive a university place before the HSC finishes and recipients receive a one-off first year $5950 scholarship and gain access to accommodation scholarships.
E12 and CEF-Thyne Reid scholarship recipient, CEF Namoi Alumni Katie Hodder recommends:
- Invest time in early entry research. E12 was a great opportunity for Katie. She graduated with her dream qualifications, thanks to going that extra distance.
- Check out the list of E12 supported schools.
- Talk with your career’s advisor, especially to organise the SRS and EAS paperwork.
- Keep in the back of your mind how the financial support will ease the burden on you and your family.
- It’s well worth applying because you never know what could come from such an opportunity.
If you’ve already considered early entry, why not search what other support you can line up before exams?
This year’s CEF Scholarships Guide features nearly 1500 scholarships, bursaries and other financial support for 2021 students.
Western Sydney University – True Reward Video
Southern Cross University – STAR Early Offer
This ‘More Than Your ATAR’ education series covers off such vital further education consideration topics such as: where to start, early entry, studying via distance and regional study hubs as well as tips and tricks for applying for a scholarship. We talk with ‘field’ experts: students, CEF Foundations, industry insiders and university advisers to help you on this long, windy road.