GrantsNewsRecipientsScholarshipsStudent newsStudent StoriesUniversity September 14, 2020 More Than Your ATAR: Early Entry, Secure Your Place Before Exams Imagine going into your final school exams knowing you have already secured a place at… ashlea 0 Love0
Education Partner NewsMedia ReleasesNewsOrange NewsResourcesScholarshipsScholarships GuideUniversityUniversity ExperienceUSG September 1, 2020 #Challengeaccepted: financial assistance via the 2021 CEF Scholarships Guide MEDIA RELEASE Country Education Foundation of Australia (CEF) is excited to launch the CEF 2021… ashlea 0 Love0
GrantsScholarshipsStudent StoriesUniversity August 23, 2020 More than your ATAR – VET Education Options Post school education doesn't have to be TAFE vs university. Increasingly, both work together to… ashlea 0 Love0
Far West NSW NewsNational Scholarship RecipientNewsRecipientsScholarshipsScholarships GuideStudent Stories May 29, 2020 Sean’s measurement of success I don’t think success is a measurement of achievement but more so the serenity you… ashlea 0 Love0
Media ReleasesNewsPartnersResources May 19, 2020 Access to education for rural and regional students unites CEF and CUC Country Education Foundation of Australia (CEF) is excited to announce a partnership with the Country Universities Centre… ashlea Love0
NewsStudent newsUSG May 1, 2020 Study guide for surviving COVID-19 lockdown There’s no denying moving back home, having to reorganise a share house or even just… ashlea Love3
Committee NewsNewsScholarshipsSupportersVolunteers April 28, 2020 Pay It Forward Day – A Time To Encourage The ‘Gift Of Giving’ Pay It Forward Day exists to encourage people to stand for kindness out of the… ashlea Love0
Far West NSW NewsFoundationsGrantsMedia ReleasesNewsPartnersScholarships April 27, 2020 Family Foundations continue their legacy of support to Broken Hill students Country Education Foundation of Australia (CEF) is again partnering with four generous families connected to… ashlea Love0
Clare Valley NewsHarden NewsMediaNewsParoo NewsShoalhaven News April 16, 2020 Audi Foundation CEF Scholars #DriveProgress with high aspirations and results Four deserving students undertaking STEM-related study, have received a significant boost to their studies with… ashlea 0 Love0
Education Partner NewsNewsStudent newsStudent StoriesUniversity ExperienceYoung News April 14, 2020 Isabel sees value in CEF’s wider community impact Isabel Gahan was supported with a grant from CEF Young and is in her third… ashlea 0 Love0