Braidwood NewsColeambally Darlington Point NewsCommittee NewsCootamundra NewsEventsFoundationsGrantsGrenfell NewsHastings NewsKapunda NewsMerriwa NewsNamoi NewsNewsNyngan NewsOrange NewsQuarterly NewsletterShoalhaven NewsSnowy Monaro NewsTemora NewsVolunteersWest Wyalong NewsYass News March 8, 2021 CEF grant season in full swing Without question, this is the best time of year for CEF and our local foundations. … 0 Love0
Cootamundra NewsGrantsNewsRecipientsScholarshipsUniversityUniversity Experience September 25, 2019 You can take the boy out of the country, but he’ll be back! Harry Tiernan has started on the long journey that is studying medical science. His first… 0 Love0
Cootamundra NewsFoundationsQuarterly NewsletterRecipientsStudent news August 30, 2017 Anna leads the way in Cootamundra Anna Ingold is taking a leading role when it comes to country students’ futures as… CEF 0 Love0
Cootamundra NewsGrantsJobsNational Scholarship RecipientRecipientsScholarshipsStudent news May 31, 2016 Jamin’s Trading Up Jamin White from Cootamundra is on his way to becoming a heavy vehicle mechanic with… laura 0 Love0
Coonamble NewsCootamundra NewsFoundationsHarden News September 17, 2014 Local foundation fundraising Davone Stines and Kyle Biefield from US - singers, Charlotte Middleton (Chair, Harden CEF) and… CEF Love0