Coleambally Darlington Point NewsCoonamble NewsCowra NewsEdward River NewsGilgandra NewsGoulburn NewsGreat Lakes NewsGrenfell NewsGriffith NewsHarden NewsKapunda NewsMediaNamoi NewsNewsOrange NewsParoo NewsTemora NewsVolunteersWalgett NewsWest Wyalong NewsYass NewsYoung News May 17, 2021 Students say thank you National Volunteer Week is the annual celebration to acknowledge the generous contributions of our volunteers. The… 0 Love0
Committee NewsFoundationsGoulburn NewsGreat Lakes NewsNewsVolunteers November 27, 2020 Outstanding volunteers recognised – want to join the club? Country Education Foundation of Australia (CEF) is excited to announce the Katie Walker Outstanding Service… CEF 0 Love2
AGMCommittee NewsGreat Lakes NewsNewsPartnersQuarterly NewsletterSupportersThe BoardVolunteers March 30, 2020 SROI project validates CEF impact and purpose The opportunity In 2016 Saul Brady received a grant from the Great Lakes Education Fund.… Love0
Braidwood NewsFoundationsGreat Lakes NewsHarden NewsHastings NewsKangaroo Island NewsNewsQuarterly NewsletterShoalhaven NewsSnowy Monaro NewsWalgett News March 30, 2020 Drought, bushfires, floods in regional Australia While a summer of bushfires has been followed up with recent rain and flooding –… Love0
Braidwood NewsFoundationsGreat Lakes NewsHastings NewsKangaroo Island NewsNewsShoalhaven NewsSnowy Monaro News January 10, 2020 Bushfires devastate communities in the CEF footprint Times were tough enough for rural and regional students looking to attempt further study in… 0 Love0
Education Partner NewsFar West NSW NewsGreat Lakes NewsGrenfell NewsMedia ReleasesOrange NewsPartners April 29, 2019 The next generation of innovators empowered to #DriveProgress Four deserving students on pathways to success in STEM-related study, have received a significant boost… 0 Love0
Great Lakes NewsNational Scholarship RecipientNewsPartnersRecipientsScholarships April 10, 2019 Jess set to engineer a brighter, bolder future Saving lives by creating artificial organs or through revolutionary stem cell research are dream achievements… 0 Love1
AlumniFar West NSW NewsGrantsGreat Lakes NewsNational Scholarship RecipientRecipientsScholarshipsSnowy Monaro NewsStudent newsStudent StoriesVideo May 18, 2018 CEF Student Stories Our impact in their words. Watch and learn how CEF makes a difference in the… laura 0 Love1
AlumniEducation Partner NewsGrantsGreat Lakes NewsStudent newsStudent StoriesVideo May 18, 2018 Ash’s Story Meet Ash Nielsen. Ash epitomises what we do at CEF, create opportunities for young rural… laura 0 Love1
Education Partner NewsGrantsGreat Lakes NewsRecipientsScholarshipsStudent StoriesUniversity November 21, 2017 Determined, ambitious, strong: Ashley takes charge of her future For 21-year-old Ashley Nielsen the $3000 grant from Great Lakes Education Fund, a CEF local… laura 0 Love3