Coleambally Darlington Point NewsCoonamble NewsCowra NewsEdward River NewsGilgandra NewsGoulburn NewsGreat Lakes NewsGrenfell NewsGriffith NewsHarden NewsKapunda NewsMediaNamoi NewsNewsOrange NewsParoo NewsTemora NewsVolunteersWalgett NewsWest Wyalong NewsYass NewsYoung News May 17, 2021 Students say thank you National Volunteer Week is the annual celebration to acknowledge the generous contributions of our volunteers. The… 0 Love0
AlumniAlumni AwardsBlackall-Tambo NewsCoonamble NewsHarden NewsMedia ReleasesNewsOrange NewsPartnersShoalhaven NewsYoung News November 6, 2020 2020 Alinta Energy – CEF Alumni Award Winners Announced Country Education Foundation of Australia (CEF) announced the winners of the 2020 Alinta Energy – CEF Alumni… 0 Love0
Education Partner NewsNewsStudent newsStudent StoriesUniversity ExperienceYoung News April 14, 2020 Isabel sees value in CEF’s wider community impact Isabel Gahan was supported with a grant from CEF Young and is in her third… 0 Love0
FoundationsRecipientsYoung News May 20, 2014 Blake Wilder, Young NSW Blake Wilder, supported by CEF Young, hoping to get into International Relations Some people just… CEF Love0