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Business Boost Helps Kangaroo Island Students

By February 16, 2016No Comments

A new $2000 scholarship from Kangaroo Island Plantation Timbers has boosted the Country Education Foundation of Kangaroo Island‘s annual grant program to $17 000.

The local CEF of Kangaroo Island have been helping students in their region meet the costs of further education primarily through an annual fundraising dinner and auction.

Chairman of CEF of Kangaroo Island Simon Windsor said the local business community are instrumental in ensuring the success of the foundation’s annual fundraising event.

“We have been supported by businesses who offer auction and raffle items and discounted services. Their sponsorship is invaluable and we thank them.”

He said being able to develop new avenues for student support is exciting for both the Country Education Foundation and the local business community on Kangaroo Island.

“The initiation of corporate scholarships is a new way for Island businesses to offer their support.”

Mr Windsor was pleased to announce the inaugural Kangaroo Island Plantation Timbers scholarship was awarded to student Emma Boyle.


Author CEF

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