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Don’t throw in the towel on hygiene

By January 16, 2019No Comments

Moving away to uni and worried because mum or dad has always done your washing for you? Are you all of a sudden trying to figure out what to wash and when? In a few dot points we’ll have you sorted and smelling fresh again!

How often should you wash?

  • Washing should be one of those weekly jobs you try to keep on top of – it’s important for not only good housekeeping but for hygiene.
  • Washing can be done at any time of day, but it might be a good habit to start doing it on a week night. Weekends might be a bit hectic considering the amount of students using the machines. Choose a week night, and start a routine. You can either study, do assessments or take a bit of time out with Netflix while you wait for the wash to finish.
  • Unless you have a lot of light clothes a dedicated “white wash” might be overkill. See if your roommates/dormmates want to go in on a load or just throw it in with your other clothes. Unless you have a new piece of clothing or something red in there you should be OK.
  • A safe bet too, is to always wash your clothes on a cold wash. Not only is it better for the environment, it’s a quicker turnaround. If you’re unsure about how to wash a piece of clothing ALWAYS read the tag – it will have washing instructions.

Sheets and towels must be washed!

  • Change your towel every three-four uses. This may mean you need 2-3 towels but that’s OK (if you do a once-a-week wash you will only need 2). Fold or roll them away neatly when you’re not using them.
  • Sheets can be pushed to 2 weeks in summer, and 3 weeks in winter – BUT no more. Even though you might be clean when you get into bed, sweat, skin and hair are gross! If you want to wash sheets more often GO FOR IT!
  • If you have a top sheet (that extra sheet that goes between you and the doona) you won’t have to wash your doona cover very often – maybe once a season, unless you see it’s filthy.


More tips, tricks and advice on how to survive your first year at university in our University Survival Guide

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